Back 2015


Early proto with street food style visuals, vendor customization and checkout process with a basket. Seeing this in action was a very important first step in the project, even though the visual styling would still evolve a lot, the overall UI structure was on ideation stage and after-checkout guidance is completely missing.

1st end-to-end prototype of the checkout flow. Visualizing this and getting a shared reference of the end-to-end flow was one of the most important milestones early in the project. web experience with full motion video in the masked background.

case-trybe-draftscase-trybe-original-uiTrybecase-trybe-frontcase-trybe-appcase-trybe-vendorTrybe iOS: split panelTrybe iOS: Management single-feedTrybe iOS: Management categoriesTrybe iOS: Secondary screensTrybe iOS: Main screens